Spring 2017

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Post #2: Immigration Reform

Immigration reform is a controversial topic right now in the United States. The government is presently constructing a wall between the U.S. and Mexico in order to stop the flow of illegal immigrants into this country.

Image result for the wall between us and mexico"

Do you think that the language change in Miami, Florida, (as discussed on page 45 in our textbook) is an indicator of the future of the U.S.? Why or why not?  What kind of impact would immigration reform(s) potentially have on American culture (if any)?

Be sure to write 20 complete sentences and include a hyperlink to an article or video that you discussed in your blog post.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Post #1: Who am I?

Write a blog entry that defines who you are.  Explain to the class what makes up the person you are.  What makes you unique? What are the biggest influences in your life?  What are your goals/purposes in life? Remember, you must write a minimum of 20 sentences and this entry is due on Friday, January 24th at 1:30pm. Good luck! And may the force be with you....always!
Image result for star wars